Preface |
Summery |
1.Kamu Axiom System
1-2.Axiom from K1 to K8
1-2-1-1.K1,MaKaTama Symmetry
1-2-1-2.K1,spontaneous symmetry breaking
1-2-1-3.K1,UrForm and Prototype
1-2-2.K2,Mawari & Rotation
1-2-3.K3,differentiation and integration
1-2-4.K4,Kamu addition and multiplication
1-2-5.K5, Tokotachi Super Duality
1-2-6.K6, Pair Production
1-2-7.K7, Futomani
1-2-8.K8,Yata Phenomenon generation Field
1-2-9-1.What is Ka ?
1-2-9-2.What is Ma ?
1-3.Axiom from A1 to A8
1-3-1.A1,Dynamic Saturation Stability
1-3-2.A2,Ama differentiation and integration
1-3-3.A3,Potential automorphic 4 Phases
1-3-4.A4,Tabane & Formal Power Series
1-3-5.A5,Imatachi & logic of Life.
1-3-6.A6, Compatibility and Duality
1-3-7.A7,Oho & Kamu forgetful Functor
1-3-8.A8,Kamuutsusi & Amautsushi |
1-4.Symboles inTransition Diaguram
1-4-1.First Reconsider the Operation
1-4-2.Compatible and Polymetric Additive operation
1-4-3.To Caputure Differenntial Integral with a wave image
1-4-4.Tranqull operation and
Tropical Geometry |
1-5.Potential cuspidal automorphic form
1-5-1.Making an illustration of "Magatama Symmetry" of Axiom K-1 becomes Cuspidal automorphic form
1-5-2. Cuspidal automorphic form genetically dominating "Axiom A" |
1-6. Kamu imaginary Diamond and mirror symmetry
1-6-1. |
1-7. Axiom K-5 & 6 and the way to Carabi-Yau manifold
1-7-1. |
1-8. Carabi-Yau manifold to E8 Transition process and Axioms K8 |
1-9. Axiom A and Lie group U (1), SU (2), SU (3) |
1-10. Kamu Rosetta Stone |
1-11. Kurokawa multiple trigonometric function model |
1-12.Relativity-Capacitive-Quantity and Entropy
1-12-1.Reforming Boltzmann's Entropy definition formula and Information Thermodynamics
1-12-2.Guage Space and Relativity-Capacitive-Quantity |
1-13. Newton's map Model of Zeta function |
I have avoided the explanation about <Ka> in particular.The reason is that <Ka> ends up being a gathering of parts in the understanding of the brain only.In order to grasp (not understand) <Ka>, it is necessary to operate intuition. |
Similarity Scheme Theory pursues the issue of intuition deeply.However, Kamu Number Theory does not deal with this intuition problem.To the extent that it can be understood, we will only show the correspondence between Similarity and concepts already acquired with the axiom as a guide. |
I would like to observe the development of elementary particle theory and the rapid development of mathematics from the 21st century in this position.The world of advanced science is my only guide to commenting on amateurs by excellent experts.Without this, Kamu Number Theory can not be mapped to advanced science, |
Luckily, my specialists who give me these hopes have provided me with appropriate advice via the web.For now, I would like to show the explanation of <Ka> schematically as a report up to the present. |
The first picture is a plan to see the form of <Ka>.Here, what is obtained from the Axiom systems K-1, K-2, and K-3 is shown.In the future, new illustrations will appear from K-Axioms and from A-Axioms. |
Especially from now on, Lie groups and their series are important, but they do not appear here yet.In my imagination, you may feel strange about Origami.However, <Ka> will accept free imagination here. |
1-9-1.What is Ka ? |
In the next picture, the twister will be the leading role.It was born from the axiom K-2.
Twistor was the best choice to satisfy the axiom of the conjugate between Mawari and Meguri. |
It is unclear whether "3-Sphere" is generated by "physically solving operation" from "Ma Twister".If this transition process is established, the transition from 3-Sphere to Calabi Yau Manifold will be possible. |
1-9-2.What is Ka & Ma |
There is duality between <Ka> and <Ma>. At the same time, there is also similarity.And, surprisingly, an image was discovered recently that the quantum nature of <Ma> is mapped. |