Kamu Number Theory
1.Kamu Axiom system
2.Kamu Dimension system
3.Space Time compatible Quantum
4.Topological model of Ama Universe
Kamu Number Theory


Masaki Yoshino
Masaki Yoshino
site opned 2019.2.20
studying Similarity schem theory
from 1975
copyright (c) 2019 all rights rezerved
blog in English and Japanese

1.Kamu Axiom System
HOME 1-2.Axiom from K1 to K8
New file
1-2-7.K7.pre-Electric Sea
1-2-8.K8.Phenomenon generation

1-2-6.K6.Pair Production
1-2-5.K5.Tokotachi Super Duality
1-2-4.K4.Addition and Multiplication
1-2-3.K3.Kamu differential , integral
1-2-9-1.What is Ka ?
1-2-9-2.What is Ma ?

1-2-1.MaKaTama Symmetry
Spontaneous Regular-Opposite-Symmetry breaking
(Basic Principles of Kamu Number Theory)
New pdf
1-1-8.Pair Production

1-1-7.Super Duality
1-9-1.What is Ka ?
1-9-2.What is Ka & Ma
1-9-3.What is Ma ?
Chapter Index
A4 size pdf Plate Index

1.Kamu Axiom System

1-3.Axiom from A1 to A8
1-3-1.A1,Dynamic Saturation Stability
1-3-2.A2,Ama differentiation and integration
1-3-3.A3,Potential automorphic 4 Phases
1-3-4.A4,Tabane & Formal Power Series
1-3-5.A5,Imatachi & logic of Life.
1-3-6.A6, Compatibility and Duality
1-3-7.A7,Oho & Kamu forgetful Functor
1-3-8.A8,Kamuutsusi & Amautsushi
1-4.Symboles inTransition Diaguram
1-4-1.First Reconsider the Operation
1-4-2.Compatible and Polymetric Additive operation
1-4-3.To Caputure Differenntial Integral with a wave image
1-4-4.Tranqull operation and
Tropical Geometry
1-5.Potential cuspidal automorphic form
1-5-1.Making an illustration of "Magatama Symmetry" of Axiom K-1 becomes Cuspidal automorphic form
1-5-2. Cuspidal automorphic form genetically dominating "Axiom A"
1-6. Kamu imaginary Diamond and mirror symmetry
1-7. Axiom K-5 & 6 and the way to Carabi-Yau manifold
1-8. Carabi-Yau manifold to E8 Transition process and Axioms K8
1-9. Axiom A and Lie group U (1), SU (2), SU (3)
1-10. Kamu Rosetta Stone
1-11. Kurokawa multiple trigonometric function model
1-12.Relativity-Capacitive-Quantity and Entropy
1-12-1.Reforming Boltzmann's Entropy definition formula and Information Thermodynamics
1-12-2.Guage Space and Relativity-Capacitive-Quantity
1-13. Newton's map Model of Zeta function
1-2-1-2. Axiom K-1 spontaneous
symmetry breaking
beginning of Everything

Last time I saw "regular and opposite" which is hidden in symmetry.Here, it is thought that the occurrence of this “regular and opposite” causes mutual conflict and “distortion” to occur.There is a latent tension between "positive" and "opposite".
I think that this tense relationship triggers spontaneous symmetry breaking.Satsuki Narasaki, the discoverer of this Axiom, He shouted " this is the beginning of everything ! " .
Well, spontaneous breaking is also the principle that Y. Nambu and G.Jona-Lasinio found "spontaneous symmetry breaking" in 1960.And what they investigated was spontaneous symmetry breaking in "chirality symmetry".Y. Nambu and G. Jona-Lasinio opened the way to mathematically analyze the symmetry breaking in physical phenomena.
However, the findings of Nambu and Lasinio were not found as sympathetic breaking as axioms.The discovery of S. Narasaki was around the same time, but he announced in 1970.The discovery of S. Narasaki was not mere spontaneous breaking, it was among the "regular and opposite" physical properties.
I think that what spontaneous symmetry breaking produces is "creativity" and "transition".It can be thought of as meaning "Discrete" used by mathematicians.This indicates connection with cusp form, and only the cuspidal Automorphic form is considered to be a model of Axiom K-1.
pdf.1-1-6.Dyad and Mukahi
So far, it has mainly been the relationship between mathematical models and the Axiom K-1.Next, let's look at the Kamu Number Theory's concept of symmetry distortion.It is thought that it will appear in "Regular-Opposite-Symmetry" and generate "distortion" and "creative spiral movement" will occur.
What is generated by Spontaneous Symmetry breaking is called "Utsu" in Kamu Number Theory.Regular-Oppositivity is considered to give automorphic form to this "Utsu".But the situation becomes more complicated as the transition progresses.
It becomes clear that the third element is adjunction to this Spontaneous Regular-Opposite-Symmetry breaking.One is when it appears through the generation of complex numbers.I want to do this explanation next.

Related file links
pdf 2-2-3.Dimension √-1
All Transition Diagram

1-1.K Transition Diagram
1-1-1.AxiomK-1~ K-7 Transition
1-1-2.Symbol & Transition Formula
1-1-3.Potential automorphic Cuspidal Model
1-1-4.Kamu-Calabi-Yau manifolds
1-1-5.from UrForm & Prototype
1-1-8.Pair Production
1-2.Imagenary Diamond
1-2-1.Limit of Static Octet Rule
1-2-2.Definition area of Axiom K
1-2-3.Axiom K-8 & E8
1-2-4.Misode & Mirror Symmetry
1-2-5.Static Mikumari & E8
1-3.A Transition Diagram
1-3-1.Axiom A-1 ~ A-8
1-3-2.Axiom A & Guage Symmetry
1-3-3.Definition area of Axiom A
1-3-4.Unitary & Axiom A
1-3-5,Axiom A-1 Yata & Theta Functions
1-4.Rossetta Stone
1-4-1.Kamu Rossetta Stone
1-4-2.Overview K & A Axiom Systems
1-5-1.Kamu Number System
1-5-2.Small-Hi & Kurokawa multiple
torigonometric function
1-6.Kamu Dimension from 0 to 11
1-7.Kamu Dimension 9,10
1-8.Applications for Life
1-9. What is Ka ?
1-9-1.What is Ka?
1-9-2.What is Ka & Ma ? Wave-function
1-9-3.What is Ka & Ma ? MaassWave form

2-1Dimension 0
2-1-1. Dimension 0 ; Ur-Bigining
2-1-2.Dimension 0 ; amanakamuna
2-2Dimension √-1
2-2-1.Dimension √-1 ; imagenart number
2-2-2.Dimension √-1 ; Monster & Tetration
2-2-3.Dimension √-1 ; sHi & E8

2-2-4:Dimension √-1 ;parallelunivers
2-3.Dimension 1
2-3-1.Complex Number is UrForm
2-3-2.Transition & Complex Number
2-3-3.Unitary group U (1) and D1
2-4Dimension 2
2-4-1.Kamu Entoropy Diamond
2-4-2.Information Thermodynamics
2-4-3.pre-Electoric Entrropy Ocean
2-4-4.Reforming Boltzmann Entropy Difinition
2-5.Dimension 3
2-5.1;Precursor Electricity Precursor Magnetic
2-6-1.Dimension 4
2-6-1;Mokoro : Life and Matter
2-7.Dimension 5
2-7-1;Atomic world & Standard Model

2-8.Dimension 3,4,5 ,6 Model
2-8-1.Nested structure & Complex Tetlation
2-8-2Similarity of Zeta functions
New file
1-2-7.K7.pre-Electric Sea
1-2-8.K8.Phenomenon generation

1-2-6.K6.Pair Production
1-2-5.K5.Tokotachi Super Duality
1-2-4.K4.Addition and Multiplication
1-2-3.K3.Kamu differential , integral
1-2-9-1.What is Ka ?
1-2-9-2.What is Ma ?

pdf 1-1-3.Potential automorphic Cuspidal Model
pdf 1-1-1.AxiomK-1~ K-7 Transition
New pdf
1-1-8.Pair Production

1-1-7.Super Duality
1-9-1.What is Ka ?
1-9-2.What is Ka & Ma
1-9-3.What is Ma ?

Kamu Number theory