Kamu Number Theory
1.Kamu Axiom system
2.Kamu Dimension system
3.Space Time compatible Quantum
4.Topological model of Ama Universe
Kamu Number Theory


Masaki Yoshino
Masaki Yoshino
site opned 2019.2.20
studying Similarity schem theory
from 1975
copyright (c) 2019 all rights rezerved
blog in English and Japanese

1.Kamu Axiom System
Home 1-2. Axiom from K-1 to K-8 Plate
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1-2-7.K7.pre-Electric Sea
1-2-8.K8.Phenomenon generation

1-2-6.K6.Pair Production
1-2-5.K5.Tokotachi Super Duality
1-2-4.K4.Addition and Multiplication
1-2-3.K3.Kamu differential , integral
1-2-9-1.What is Ka ?
1-2-9-2.What is Ma ?

1-2-6.Axiom K-6 Ometaguhi
Pair Production
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1-1-8.Pair Production

1-1-7.Super Duality
1-9-1.What is Ka ?
1-9-2.What is Ka & Ma
1-9-3.What is Ma ?
Chapter Index

A4 size pdf Plate Index

1.Kamu Axiom System

1-3.Axiom from A1 to A8
1-3-1.A1,Dynamic Saturation Stability
1-3-2.A2,Ama differentiation and integration
1-3-3.A3,Potential automorphic 4 Phases
1-3-4.A4,Tabane & Formal Power Series
1-3-5.A5,Imatachi & logic of Life.
1-3-6.A6, Compatibility and Duality
1-3-7.A7,Oho & Kamu forgetful Functor
1-3-8.A8,Kamuutsusi & Amautsushi
1-4.Symboles inTransition Diaguram
1-4-1.First Reconsider the Operation
1-4-2.Compatible and Polymetric Additive operation
1-4-3.To Caputure Differenntial Integral with a wave image
1-4-4.Tranqull operation and
Tropical Geometry
1-5.Potential cuspidal automorphic form
1-5-1.Making an illustration of "Magatama Symmetry" of Axiom K-1 becomes Cuspidal automorphic form
1-5-2. Cuspidal automorphic form genetically dominating "Axiom A"
1-6. Kamu imaginary Diamond and mirror symmetry
1-7. Axiom K-5 & 6 and the way to Carabi-Yau manifold
1-8. Carabi-Yau manifold to E8 Transition process and Axioms K8
1-9. Axiom A and Lie group U (1), SU (2), SU (3)
1-10. Kamu Rosetta Stone
1-11. Kurokawa multiple trigonometric function model
1-12.Relativity-Capacitive-Quantity and Entropy
1-12-1.Reforming Boltzmann's Entropy definition formula and Information Thermodynamics
1-12-2.Guage Space and Relativity-Capacitive-Quantity
1-13. Newton's map Model of Zeta function
  Axiom K-6. Ometaguhi
K-6-1,Regular-Opposite Hetero-philicity
K-6-1,Regular-Opposite Homogeneous repulsion
K-6-2,Regular-Opposite 4 Phases Transition
K-6-2,Female and male 4 Phases Transition
K-6-3,Regular-Opposite Affinity power Field
K-6-4.Regular-Opposite Stable shape maintainability

To put it simply, this is an axiom of pair creation in the latent world.This is an axiom that dominates the phenomenon world remotely.
By this axiom, the problem of Life and the problem of Gravity can be seen in one frame. What makes this possible is "K-6-3, Tsugahi", which forms part of this axiom.
Ometaguhi is an abstraction of the concept of “hetero-philicity”. According to the automorphic form of the latent world, this “Heterogeneous” is “Regular-Opposite-Hetero”. If this is shortened, Regular-Opposite Hetero-philicity is “R-O-Hetero-philicity”.
"Regular and opposite" is the plus and minus of the phenomenon of electromagnetism, or men and women enter this bio-physical properties.
Pair production is closely related to proliferation and reproduction in phenomena. “K-6-2, Sanetachine” is an abstraction of this bio-physical property. Please see the illustration for this.
pdf.1-1-8.Pair Production
“Sanetachine” is a word that means “Ka phylogeny”, which is also a feature of Field with one Element. This is a transition from "Ur-Beginning Quantum" in the Toyo format called "Female and male 4 Phases Transition".
“Sanetachine” is an abstraction of “Female and male 4 Phases”. However, this very human axiom has a problem of a magnificent force field that exceeds the theory of gravity.
By abstracting the concept of affinity as a “field of force”, nuclear power and gravity can be considered in the same frame. This is why the "space / atom" exists stably. It is an answer to the question.
It was the Tokotachi axiom that made this power abstraction possible. This axiom K-6 is that the force that acts between regular and opposite is transferred to affinity by the axiom of two things "compatible polymerization=Tokotachi".
And our starting point is that <Ka> and <Ma> regular and opposite follow "Ometaguhi" as UrForm. <Ka> and <Ma> are "Female and male 4 Phases = occurrence transition" of everything that exists by interchangeable and superposition, this is called "Ometaguhi".
Now, here is the concept of <Tsugahi>, which represents the “field of affinity power”.The details will be explained in another section. However, in order for <Ka> and <Ma> to be compatible with each other and integrated, there is a binding affinity by <Tsugahi>.
All Transition Diagram

1-1.K Transition Diagram
1-1-1.AxiomK-1~ K-7 Transition
1-1-2.Symbol & Transition Formula
1-1-3.Potential automorphic Cuspidal Model
1-1-4.Kamu-Calabi-Yau manifolds
1-1-5.from UrForm & Prototype
1-1-8.Pair Production
1-2.Imagenary Diamond
1-2-1.Limit of Static Octet Rule
1-2-2.Definition area of Axiom K
1-2-3.Axiom K-8 & E8
1-2-4.Misode & Mirror Symmetry
1-2-5.Static Mikumari & E8
1-3.A Transition Diagram
1-3-1.Axiom A-1 ~ A-8
1-3-2.Axiom A & Guage Symmetry
1-3-3.Definition area of Axiom A
1-3-4.Unitary & Axiom A
1-3-5,Axiom A-1 Yata & Theta Functions
1-4.Rossetta Stone
1-4-1.Kamu Rossetta Stone
1-4-2.Overview K & A Axiom Systems
1-5-1.Kamu Number System
1-5-2.Small-Hi & Kurokawa multiple
torigonometric function
1-6.Kamu Dimension from 0 to 11
1-7.Kamu Dimension 9,10
1-8.Applications for Life
1-9. What is Ka ?
1-9-1.What is Ka?
1-9-2.What is Ka & Ma ? Wave-function
1-9-3.What is Ka & Ma ? MaassWave form

2-1Dimension 0
2-1-1. Dimension 0 ; Ur-Bigining
2-1-2.Dimension 0 ; amanakamuna
2-2Dimension √-1
2-2-1.Dimension √-1 ; imagenart number
2-2-2.Dimension √-1 ; Monster & Tetration
2-2-3.Dimension √-1 ; sHi & E8

2-2-4:Dimension √-1 ;parallelunivers
2-3.Dimension 1
2-3-1.Complex Number is UrForm
2-3-2.Transition & Complex Number
2-3-3.Unitary group U (1) and D1
2-4Dimension 2
2-4-1.Kamu Entoropy Diamond
2-4-2.Information Thermodynamics
2-4-3.pre-Electoric Entrropy Ocean
2-4-4.Reforming Boltzmann Entropy Difinition
2-5.Dimension 3
2-5.1;Precursor Electricity Precursor Magnetic
2-6-1.Dimension 4
2-6-1;Mokoro : Life and Matter
2-7.Dimension 5
2-7-1;Atomic world & Standard Model

2-8.Dimension 3,4,5 ,6 Model
2-8-1.Nested structure & Complex Tetlation
2-8-2Similarity of Zeta functions
New file
1-2-7.K7.pre-Electric Sea
1-2-8.K8.Phenomenon generation

1-2-6.K6.Pair Production
1-2-5.K5.Tokotachi Super Duality
1-2-4.K4.Addition and Multiplication
1-2-3.K3.Kamu differential , integral
1-2-9-1.What is Ka ?
1-2-9-2.What is Ma ?

<Tsugahi> is similar in image to nuclear power and supergravity, but is basically a remote interaction force.
<Tsugahi> is a physical property that can maintain its shape constantly. The “Ometaguhi” male and female are constantly maintained by the affinity of <Tsugahi>.
This affinity <Tsugahi> is common not only to life but to all materials in the universe.
<Tsugahi> appears as a Force that guarantees the permanence of the Universe. The whole universe can persist as an Ama-Cosmic Body because <Tsugahi> adjusts the balance between gravity and repulsive force.
"Ometaguhi" rebalances the balance of <Tsugahi> according to the physical properties of the four-phase <Toyo>. It is this physical property that male and female have four phases (Dyad).
"Ometaguhi" provides the basic diagram that forms the transition.Life and the universe are generated and nurtured in the direction of the transition of <Ma> and <Ka> by "Ometaguhi".
Furthermore, it can be said that it depends on "Ometaguhi" that the existences that occur can always maintain a balance with each other. This constant guarantee of mutual balance is the <MaKa automorphic form>, which is "Regular-Opposite-Symmetry".
Since <Ma> and <Ka> are different, having an affinity has a similar model to the electromagnetic phenomenon. This is called “Hetero-philicity”. And this counts as the physical property of "Ometaguhi".
K-6-4.Wakumusubi will be explained in ”Ama Axiom A-4”, which is a phenomenological axiom.
Transition Diagram
5 Models
A-1-1-3.Cuspidal Automorphic Model
A-1-1-4.Calabi-Yau manifolds
A-1-5-1.Kurokaawa multiple
trigonometric Model

A-1-5-2.Kurokawa Model of sHi
A-1-5-3.Conformal mapping Model
D-2-8-1.Complex Ttlation Model
D-2-8-4.Kamu Dimension Model
D-2-8-2.Newton's map of Zeta function
D-2-8-3.Zeta function Model
A-1-9-3.Moduler Maass Wave form Model

New file
1-2-7.K7.pre-Electric Sea
1-2-8.K8.Phenomenon generation

1-2-6.K6.Pair Production
1-2-5.K5.Tokotachi Super Duality
1-2-4.K4.Addition and Multiplication
1-2-3.K3.Kamu differential , integral
1-2-9-1.What is Ka ?
1-2-9-2.What is Ma ?

  Axiom K-6. Ometaguhi
K-6-1,Regular-Opposite Hetero-philicity
K-6-1,Regular-Opposite Homogeneous repulsion
K-6-2,Regular-Opposite 4 Phases Transition
K-6-2,Female and male 4 Phases Transition
K-6-3,Regular-Opposite Affinity power Field
K-6-4.Regular-Opposite Stable shape maintainability
New pdf
1-1-8.Pair Production

1-1-7.Super Duality
1-9-1.What is Ka ?
1-9-2.What is Ka & Ma
1-9-3.What is Ma ?

Kamu Number Theory