Kamu Number Theory
Contents |
Summery |
1.Kamu Axiom system
2.Kamu Dimension system
3.Space Time compatible Quantum
4.Topological model of Ama Universe
Kamu Number Theory |
ver.2019.10 |
Masaki Yoshino |
Masaki Yoshino |
site opned 2019.2.20 |
studying Similarity schem theory
from 1975 |
copyright (c) 2019 all rights rezerved |
blog in English and Japanese |
1.Kamu Axiom System |
1-2. Axiom from K-1 to K-8 |
Plates |
1-2-8.Axiom K-8 Yata
from Latent world to Phenomenon |
Preface |
Summery |
1.Kamu Axiom System
1-2.Axiom from K1 to K8
1-2-1-1.K1,MaKaTama Symmetry
1-2-1-2.K1,spontaneous symmetry breaking
1-2-1-3.K1,UrForm and Prototype
1-2-2.K2,Mawari & Rotation
1-2-3.K3,differentiation and integration
1-2-4.K4,Kamu addition and multiplication
1-2-5.K5, Tokotachi Super Duality
1-2-6.K6, Pair Production
1-2-7.K7, Futomani
1-2-8.K8,Yata Phenomenon generation Field
1-2-9-1.What is Ka ?
1-2-9-2.What is Ma ?
1-3.Axiom from A1 to A8
1-3-1.A1,Dynamic Saturation Stability
1-3-2.A2,Ama differentiation and integration
1-3-3.A3,Potential automorphic 4 Phases
1-3-4.A4,Tabane & Formal Power Series
1-3-5.A5,Imatachi & logic of Life.
1-3-6.A6, Compatibility and Duality
1-3-7.A7,Oho & Kamu forgetful Functor
1-3-8.A8,Kamuutsusi & Amautsushi |
1-4.Symboles inTransition Diaguram
1-4-1.First Reconsider the Operation
1-4-2.Compatible and Polymetric Additive operation
1-4-3.To Caputure Differenntial Integral with a wave image
1-4-4.Tranqull operation and
Tropical Geometry |
1-5.Potential cuspidal automorphic form
1-5-1.Making an illustration of "Magatama Symmetry" of Axiom K-1 becomes Cuspidal automorphic form
1-5-2. Cuspidal automorphic form genetically dominating "Axiom A" |
1-6. Kamu imaginary Diamond and mirror symmetry
1-6-1. |
1-7. Axiom K-5 & 6 and the way to Carabi-Yau manifold
1-7-1. |
1-8. Carabi-Yau manifold to E8 Transition process and Axioms K8 |
1-9. Axiom A and Lie group U (1), SU (2), SU (3) |
1-10. Kamu Rosetta Stone |
1-11. Kurokawa multiple trigonometric function model |
1-12.Relativity-Capacitive-Quantity and Entropy
1-12-1.Reforming Boltzmann's Entropy definition formula and Information Thermodynamics
1-12-2.Guage Space and Relativity-Capacitive-Quantity |
1-13. Newton's map Model of Zeta function |
Axiom K-8 Yata
K-8-1,Static Limit
K-8-2,Static Saturation
K-8-3,Static Stability
K-8-4,Saturates and stabilizes at the Number of 8
K-8-5,Static Octant or Octet Rule
K-8-6,Static Octet Scheme (Static Scheme are Small-Hi)
K-8-7,from Latent-world to Phenomenon-world
K-8-8,Phenomenon generation Field |
Yata basically means <Ya + Ta> = <Ya = Limit Saturation> + <Ta = Transition>.
At the same time, <Ya> means Integer 8.
Therefore, it is also a concept that means “Octet Rule” which means “saturates and stabilizes at the number of 8.” |
This is further abstracted and has a deep relationship with the concept known as “Power Law”. |
There are two axioms called Yata K-8 and A-1.
Although it is a compound word of <Ya> and <Ta>, there is a difference between Kamu Axiom K-8 <Yata> and Ama Axiom A-1 <Yata>. |
Kamu Axiom K8 has the character of "static saturation stability" that generates a stable and harmonious phenomenon world.
On the other hand, Ama Axiom A1 <Yata> is characterized by "the direction of transition from stable to dynamic spontaneous collapse". |
This spontaneous decay returns to <Ka>.
Therefore, <Yata> consists of a circulating pair of "Kamu static axiom K8" and "Ama dynamic axiom A1".
Thus, the transition from K-8 to A-1 means the transition to a phenomenon. |
In addition, A-1 is characterized by a regressive property of transitioning to “latent world Ka”. Therefore, many of the “Octet Rules” in the phenomenon world have this recursive potential. |
The specific “Octet Rule” is very well known, but I would like to introduce it in A-1. |
The importance of <Yata Axiom> in the latent world is in the "Daiamond-diagram" that appears in the transition diagram.
This "Diagram of daiamond type" can be understood by looking at the plate, but it appears in the process of transition from the latent world to the phenomenon world. |
pdf 1-2-1.Limit of Static Octet Rule |
This process is important as the generation of Imaginary numbers. Therefore, this diagram is called “imaginary Daiamond”.I was naturally led to "generation of complex numbers". |
It can be understood from the transition diagram that the driving force for generating this complex number is UrForm. |
pdf 1-2-2.Definition area of Axiom K |
In this process, the precursory time and the precursory space are also in the process of generating a K3 sphere by polymerization compatibility.
I could see from the diagram that the MaKa transition as a torus transitions to a K3 sphere. If this transition further progresses, it is thought that it will transition to the Calabi-Yau manifold. |
pdf 1-2-3.Axiom K-8 & E8 |
I thought that this would make a further transition and transition to an E8 manifold that is stable in saturation with the number of 8.
The transition diagram shows that KamuE8 and AmaE8 are paired by <Mukahi>. |
pdf 1-2-4.Misode & Mirror Symmetry |
In this way, it can be seen from the transition diagram that "small hi" is generated as a precursory phenomenon from the latent world. |
The discovery of “Small-Hi” was made by T.Uno. The transition from the latent world to the phenomenon world became clear for this discovery of T.Uno.
“Small-Hi” is <√-1> and can be estimated to have a unitary structure consisting of <± Σ <KaMa> E8 family>. |
Please see the illustration below under this "Assumption or Hypothesis". |
pdf 1-2-5.Static Mikumari & E8 |
These illustrations belong to the boundary with the domain of Ama Axiom A-1, and will be explained in A-1 <Yata>. |
The explanation from the Calabi-Yau manifold to E8 may seem to be a leap forward.
By seeing the development of a series of transition diagrams in the future, you will understand that consistency exists. |
Axiom K-8 Yata
K-8-1,Static Limit
K-8-2,Static Saturation
K-8-3,Static Stability
K-8-4,Saturates and stabilizes at the Number of 8
K-8-5,Static Octant or Octet Rule
K-8-6,Static Octet Scheme are expressed as Small-Hi
K-8-7, Transition from Latent-World to Phenomenon
K-8-8, Phenomenon generation Field |
2019.09.03 |
Kamu Number Theory |